Plan B For An Emergency Situation

Emergency contraception option, Plan B

You may have had a great night with your special someone but you’re not planned for what might go wrong. If you didn’t have a good plan for contraception, then you might just need to think about Plan B.

Before you start freaking out just know that you’ll be OK with a backup plan for emergency contraception. You can find emergency contraception at your local drug store or pharmacy. There is also a more decreet method of pickup through overnight delivery (depending on where you live) and there’s no requirement for a prescription.

This is an option to prevent pregnancy and won’t work for women who are already pregnant. Another thing to know is that it’s not just for the morning after (despite it’s nickname) and you actually have up to three days to take it. Though it’s not best to wait, it’s better to take it sooner rather than later and it can decrease your chance of pregnancy by up to 89 percent.

It is recommended that you take emergency contraception with food because it contains levonorgestrel which is a synthetic progestin, a common ingredient used in birth control pills. Progestin plays an active role in the menstrual cycle that delays ovulation.

The science shows that this medication can reduce the chances of the ovary releasing an egg and sperm will have nothing to fertilize, as sperm has a lifespan of up to five days. This medication also has side effects including nausea, lower abdominal cramps, headache, and dizziness.

A benefit of this medication is that it won’t affect your fertility so you won’t have to worry about future consequences. For more on the Plan B pill, check out the video above.