The Upside Down Truck By Rick Sullivan

Even If You Hate Trucks, You Will Turn To Catch A Glimpse!

When I first came across Rick Sullivan’s upside-down truck, I was superficially fixated. I was something between awestruck and an amazement that says, “Lord, see what man can do!”

This is the kind of art and craft that cuts a clear distinction between man and other organisms that roam the surface of the earth. After spending six months and $6,000 building the topsy-turvy truck, Sullivan had every reason to be grateful for his effort.

The truck (which is road-legal in case you were wondering) is created from a 1991 Ford Ranger pickup truck with a 1995 F-150 pickup truck body placed over the top – upside down. The upside down look is made more stunning and complete by the wheels that rotate as if the vehicle depends on them for mobility.

Rick says he got idea when he was a called to transport an overturned Ford Ranger to his body shop. When he set his eyes on the Ford on its roof with four wheels sticking up in the air, he thought it would look interesting travelling down the road.

He set down to work and what came out of it was simply something only Rick Sullivan had thought about. He says, “It’s all in my head and we had to make adjustments throughout, but it turned out pretty much like I envisioned it.”

Of course, this is one is a head-turner just as it was expected to be. He continues, “People are amazed, it’s one of those things when you first see it, it’s hard to recognize what it is but when you take the second look then they want to pull me over and take a closer look at it.”

Rick’s wife Kathy is his number one fan. However, she only got to see truck when it was all done and rolling,
“He just showed up at my job and called me to come outside. I went outside and saw this incredible creation.”

She continues, “Rick is car crazy. His mind is always thinking about what the next project is going to be.”

From this creation we can confirm one thing: Rick is car crazy and we will be on the look out for his next crazy project.