This Super Mom Made Her Mustang Everything Hello Kitty For Her Daughters

Tuning Up The Car, Just Like Mom Should

To be brutally honest, we’ve come across very few women daring to do the unthinkable in the automobile world. It is therefore adequately honorable to grant Takiyah Middleton of Nashville her rightful place. She is a daring mom who has done an impressive job on a rather tasteless white Mustang.

The 41-year-old customized the 2006 convertible by tuning it with Hello Kitty decals and an incredibly beautiful white/pink interior as well as adding eight speakers, seven TVs, and a full LED light setup. What makes it even more prime, is the fact that she did it almost totally without help.

She says, “This is the first car I have ever customized and I did it in my driveway with my own bare hands. I never got anyone to help me with my vehicle because I wanted it to be something that I created.”

And she worked on the performance of the car as well to an enviable final outcome and gave it a V6 engine. Having acquired from an online site at $8 000, she’s spent around $30,000 on her Mustang to make it what it is.

She has no regrets at all for what she’s managed to build for herself. She is indeed very proud of the achievement saying, “The greatest reaction I ever had with this vehicle was when I was in a parade and a guy literally jumped on the hood and started hugging the car.”

That’s exactly what a super mum can do with just a little motivation.