How to Stick It To Migraines

Migraines stink, I don’t think anyone’s going to argue with me on that. They’re just one of those things that you can’t really plan for, especially if you’re not prone to chronic migraines. Have you ever been driving on the highway and get a migraine with no relief in sight? Or riding with kids singing load, blasting music and you’re on a four hour road trip? They can be faint, yet intense enough to be noticeable (and annoying), or they can be so intense that they knock you out for the rest of the day. Unlike headaches, it’s a complete toss-up whether or not migraines will just go away after awhile or dog you for days on end.

So how can you battle such an erratic enemy in your own body? That’s another frustrating thing about migraines; there’s no single root cause. In order to take control over migraines, you need to do a bit of personal detective work. Try to determine what times of day they typically start, what you’re doing right before they start, and when they start to fade, if at all. Once you’ve got an idea of the root cause, experiment a little. If your body has a problem that it’s using migraines to signal at you, you need to identify that problem and take steps to fix it under your own power.

If you notice migraines pop up after you’ve been staring at a screen, for example, try to look at screens less. Or, if that’s not an option due to school or work or whatever, try to offset the effects with things like blue light glasses and cold compresses. Migraines may sometimes seem like these mysterious phenomenon dogging you for no reason, but it’s just your body trying to tell you something. All you gotta do is listen, and if necessary, seek help. Yeah, going to the doctor’s a pain, but I bet it’s less of a pain than dealing with migraines day in and day out.