The Porsche Roadster Made In 1948, Remade In 2019

The Journey Of Porsche Roadster

As part of its 70th Anniversary, Porsche embarked on a project to replicate one of there foremost cars that ever rolled out the company’s factory. The project was majorly replicating the iconic car using the building techniques of the age.

When all was said and done, having relied heavily on documentation of that era, what came out was a true copy of the original car. It features no engine, and its rear axle consists of a simple pipe.

The front axle, complete with the steering system and wheel, was picked from a Volkswagen Beetle. In all, the build process took around eight months. Now that it’s ready, the replica is on a world tour.

The 1948 Porsche 356 Roadster was created by Ferdinand “Ferry” Porsche, the son of the company’s founder. It was equipped with a four-cylinder, air-cooled, rear-mounted engine. The very first road-certified 356 entered in a race in Innsbruck where it won its class.

Vancouver was the first of the Canadian cities to welcome the 356 “No. 1” Roadster at the Luxury & Supercar Weekend. Held at the Vandusen Gardens.

The company reported that by the end of the 2018, the 356 ‘No.1’ Roadster had traveled an admirable 46,854 km around the world while the show car had registered an even more majestic record of 53,898 km.