Tips On Being Mr. Thoughtful

The dating scene can be daunting, but what happens after a date can be overwhelming. When it comes down to the birds and bees you’ll want to take after Mr. Thoughtful. Here are the three C’s on being Mr. Thoughtful for your partner when it comes to intimacy.

Use words, don’t hint or try to guess. Start off the conversation with simple questions that make your intentions clear to your partner and ease them into the situation without pressuring them.

It is also important to see what your partner’s intentions are and what they’re comfortable with and ask what their limitations are. Another thing to keep in mind is that no two partners are alike and some may be more uncomfortable than others.

It may seem embarrassing to talk about, but risking your health is more important than avoiding an awkward conversation. This will also help you make your partner more comfortable and have them know you’re a considerate partner.

It’s best to keep several on-hand to make sure that if one is unusable then you have some backups on hand. Another tip is to make sure that you consider your partner’s possible latex allergy and have some condoms made of other materials, including a variety of sizes.

Coitus Accessories
If you’re looking to step up your bedroom activities you might want to consider some accessories. But remember, make sure that your partner is comfortable with using accessories and use a safe word just in case.